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It’s amazing! I wish I could afford a bolt of it!! What Are you waiting for?? Ya know ya want some!
This fabric is wonderful! I had a 1610-15 Jacobean jacket made from this material and it is magnificent!
I have been a customer of Louise’s for 10 years and she knows what she is about! She is the one who made the Jacobean jacket with your material =) The way she advises to wear the hair really adds to the shape your coif needs.
This pattern is superb. It prints out perfectly and easily aligns, and everything fits together. I could have used a teensy bit of instruction – like “sew to here” on CF, and a note to insert ribbon before stitching on facing, but with the help of the photos I eventually figured it out. Thank you very much for making this pattern available.
Great pattern! It took a bit to figure out how it worked but not to hard! Thank you